Design of Hardware System of Open Multi-sensor Mobile Robot 开放式多传感器移动机器人硬件系统设计
Open simulation for the robot soccer 面向足球机器人比赛的开放式仿真系统
An open industrial robot system of SCARA type 一种开放式平面关节型工业机器人系统
Authors put forward a kind of modularization open robot, which can make user can construct different form robot according to requirement. 作者研究了一种模块化开放式机器人,用户可以根据不同的需要进行自行组合成不同结构的机器人形状。
A summarization of open architecture robot controller 开放式机器人控制器综述
This article studies the former open architecture robot controllers and comes up with a simplified layered control system based on network. 针对开放式控制器的原有结构,提出了一种融合网络的简化分层控制模型。
According to the limitation of the closed control system applied by the traditional industrial robot, an open architecture welding robot based on PCI motion card is designed in this paper. 针对传统工业机器人采用封闭式控制系统的局限性,设计了一种基于PCI运动控制卡的开放式焊接机器人。
In this paper, the design methods and implementation of a 3D graphic robot simulation module are researched as a general component of the open architecture robot controller. 文章将机器人三维图形仿真模块作为开放式机器人控制器中的一个通用组件来进行研究,分析了其建模和设计过程。
Implementation of the Simulation Component in an Open Architecture Robot Controller 开放式机器人控制器中仿真组件的实现
The Study and Realization of an Open Structure Robot Control System 开放式机器人控制系统研究与实现
Network robotics is a new open distributed robot controlling technology combining classical robotics and network technology. 网络机器人技术是传统机器人技术和网络技术相结合的一门新兴的开放式的分布式的机器人控制技术。
Cross-Platform Remote Real-Time Control System Based on Network for Open Robot Manipulator 基于网络的机器人跨平台远程实时控制
This paper mainly discussed the design of open architecture robot controller in windows system. 主要讨论了如何在Windows操作系统下设计开放式机器人控制器。
This paper introduces the software design of open architecture and network robot which we design by ourselves, including the architecture of the robot, the software architecture of the robot and the implementation of three teaching modes. 介绍了自主研发的开放式网络化机器人软件系统的设计,包括系统的体系结构、软件体系结构、软件功能模块和三种示教方式的具体实现。
An open system for mobile robot 一个开放式移动机器人体系结构
A type of open architecture robot controller based on DSP and CPLD is developed. 设计了一种新型的基于DSP和CPLD的开放式机器人控制器。
The open robot controller that has been developed in the lab is introduced firstly. Secondly ANN α th-order inverse system method serving as the servo algorithm for robot location is implemented successfully and the controlling result is very well. 在介绍本实验室开发的开放式机器人控制器的基础上,成功地将神经网络α阶逆系统方法作为机器人位置伺服算法应用于实际,取得了良好的控制效果。
The idea of open architecture of agricultural robot control system could decrease its cost and also provide a valid way to solve its intelligence problem. 该文提出了建立具有开放式结构的农业机器人控制系统可以降低农业机器人的成本,也为解决农业机器人的智能问题提供了有效的途径。
Modularized& distributed open architecture for robot framework 机械结构实现了小型化、模块化。模块化、分布式的开放机器人架构
Open Architecture Robot Controller Based on Windows 基于Windows系统的开放式机器人控制器
Application of video transmission on communication with open robot on network 网络通信技术在开放式网络化机器人中的应用
Realization of NURBS Path Interpolator Based on an Open Architecture Robot Controller 基于开放式机器人控制器的NURBS路径插补方法的实现
Overview of research development about open agricultural robot 基于农业类开放式机器人技术的研发综述
In this thesis, a design approach of FFSR controller software architecture is proposed based on the research on the related FFSR work and open robot controller architecture theory. 论文的主要工作是在研究开放式机器人控制器体系结构的基础上,设计软件系统的体系结构,并实现了基础软件平台。
Realization of Communication with Open Robot on Network 开放式网络化机器人网络通讯模块的实现
Design and Realization of an Open Robot Controller 开放式机器人控制器设计与实现
An open architecture robot controller is used as the testbed. The NURBS curve is calculated with an ICP ( Iterated Closest Point)-based fitting algorithm. 使用开放式机器人控制器系统作为试验平台,NURBS曲线通过迭代最近点的拟合方法获得。
The simulation consists of two parts: MATLAB simulation and analysis; through a new open source robot simulation platform: Player/ Stage to establish the simulation system. 仿真包括两部分:第一部分是MATLAB仿真与分析。第二部分是通过一种新的开源机器人仿真平台Player/Stage建立仿真实验系统。
Sensor simulation and robot program are also considered in this subsystem. And a theoretical implementation of vision simulation is presented. A three-tier architecture is presented to integrate multi-sensor in the open robot controller. 另外还对传感器的仿真和机器人的编程问题进行了研究,给出了视觉仿真的初步实现。为了满足开放式机器人控制器对传感器集成的需要,提出了基于三层组件结构的多传感器集成方法。
At the same time, open robot control system will be a development trend of the robot control system, many developed countries in the world have competed fiercely in the field. 同时这也是当前机器人控制系统发展的趋势,全球已有很多发达国家在该领域展开激烈的角逐。